In the latter part of December, I reluctantly had foot surgery. It turned out to be a much more serious surgery than any of us anticipated. I had bone spurs that needed fixing. A bunion that was crazy out of control. An over rotation problem at my ankle which caused a flat foot issue. With all of that being fixed, my Achilles tendon had to be cut so that my foot could move again. Wow... right!!
At first it was great.... drugged, getting waited on hand and foot (no pun intended), no work. Now its just "when is it going to be over already". I distinctly remember being told by my doctor before surgery that I'd be walking in 6 weeks. Imagine my
surprise when at the 6 week appointment, he tells me another 6 weeks on my scooter, then 2 weeks on crutches..... then he would consider allowing me to
to walk unassisted.. So I asked the doctor.. "why didn't you tell me it was going to take so long to recover. He simply stated "because you probably wouldn't have had the surgery."
HUMMMMM. I wanted to jump off the exam table and open up a can of whoop @$*ss on him. I decided it was in the best interest of my foot and my doctor that I didn't react that way. So.. off I scoot for another 6 weeks. In the meantime we had this little Holiday called VALENTINE'S.... Oh dear. The stories I could tell. Thousands of flowers to be processed, hundreds of orders to be taken, prepared and delivered. My staff was amazing. My friend Shawn came in from Wisconsin to help. That was major fun. It was the best Holiday yet. But.... we were discussing my foot not Valentine's... Well, I did have a foot incident during

Valentine's. It was late Sunday night, we had already worked crazy hours... I was by the delivery table when I decided to rocket back to the design room. Not so good for me. My scooter dumped along with me. Instinct took over and I pushed down with my bad leg.. Re injury..... longer recovery. Disappointment. More time away from my home (which I can't go to because there are steps in the front of my house and the back of my house). Its interesting how those things start to matter when you've had this kind of surgery. No driving, no motorcycle riding, no independence.
Well, I digress... This is all I really wanted to discuss today. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.